Wednesday, 12 December 2012

So I finally have some time to start animating again. So i'm gonna blog it. I should actually say I have finally made the time to start animating again. Since waiting for free time hasn't proved very efficient.
My plan going into the year was to take some time off work when it got slow, and tackle Ianimates gaming workshop. But now that I have some time, I have decided to take myself through some of the exercises I have seen coming from their students.
I am hoping in the 3 months I have given myself to be animating to accomplish a few things.

1) Finish a series of shots.
- Walk cycle
- Run cycle
- Jump
- Forward Jump
- Walking in a scene out of a cycle
- 360 degree turn with a weapon
- Leap over an obstacle with a weapon
- 1 Pantomime shot

2) Establish a gaming character

I have decided to use the Animschool free character Malcolm for all of my animations. I do plan on turning him into a pool hall gangster type character. I haven't decided how to mod him yet, but all of the exercises will be using the same character and hopefully define how this character moves, and establish his personality.

3) Solidify my workflow

Over the years I have developed a way of working for myself. It's based off what I was taught in school by some great teachers, and based on ways I find effective to start getting results fast and  easy, that in the long run save a lot of time. I will be journalling my workflow, and talking about the difficulties/successes from shot to shot, and how I continue to refine it. As I haven't had much time to test it since developing it, I am really excited to start this journal and see how it benefits me!

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